2022 has been ... an inconsistent year for me. There was a lot of changes going on in my life and it's been a struggle for me to find consistency among the changes.
Despite the crazy year, I still made time to write. Here are some of my favorite pieces that I wrote this year.
Connected By The Sky
I Used to Hide Behind a Pen Name
Roses on Valentine's Day
A Garden of Kisses
If Autumn Had a Face, it Would be Yours
I Spoke to God Tonight
On That Day
That First Kiss feeling
He's The One
Don't Break My Heart
The Nobel Prize for Reading
I want to spend my evening with you
on the water,
like we did the last time I visited,
gazing at the sunset
and seeing how all the pretty hues
blend and bleed into one:
the pinks, the reds,
and even the smallest bits of blue.
Do you remember that day?
You called me your sky:
your reason to wake up at 5AM
to see the sun rise
and your reason to stay out every evening,
seeing the sky fade into night.
And as I sit here at home,
knowing we are only a sky away
I smile
and I sigh
for you, too, are the sky of my life
I used to hide my words
behind a pen name:
I scribbled my soul onto the page
and then laminated it with a name
that was not mine.
My words were still legible
but they were protected —
they were protected from all the eyes
that I didn't want to read my work.
I didn't want the people who knew me,
who knew my real name,
to read about the side of me
that I keep hidden behind brick walls and towers,
that I keep guarded by my own personal infantry,
that I keep in a realm I constantly escape to
because real life is simply too much to bear sometimes ...
I hid myself behind a pen name,
hoping no one would know who I really was
but still wanting to be found —
I still wanted people to understand me:
to understand how much I love
and how much I hurt,
to understand just how much I hold inside.
I wanted people to understand that writing
is the only way I know to use my voice,
to even have a voice at all.
The two most vulnerable things I have ever done
is write:
write every bit of my soul,
bearing it onto the page,
and the second is reveal to the world
that I was the one writing those words
that hid behind that pen name.
Inspired by the painting: "Automat" by Edward Hopper (1927)
The couples of the world were out spending this annoyingly romantic Valentine's Day with one another, delighting over their love with champagne, chocolates, and cliche roses that would wither in a week's time. Rose, however, sat alone at that dingy 24-hour diner table meant for two. She exchanged glances between her espresso and the window, not seeing much but her beautiful reflection in both. She never liked Valentine's Day. She wasn't a fan of being showered with love and affection only to have herself be forgotten shortly after. As the night grew darked and the clock ticked closer to midnight, Rose remained frozen to her sear, not wanting to go home. Aside from having to walk in the cold, empty streets alone, she didn't want to go home to her bed — her bed was far colder and lonelier, especially on this day. She may not have liked Valentine's Day, but she didn't like being alone either.
I want you to plant kisses on my body —
kiss me all over
like flowers will bloom
wherever your lips touch:
your "I love you" kiss
will bloom romantic red roses,
your "Honey, I'm home!" kiss
will birth darling daisies,
your "I just feel like kissing you" kiss
will grow golden marigolds
your "Good morning" kiss
will sprout smiling sunflowers,
and your "Good night" kiss
will flower the most divine dahlias.
And soon,
I will have a garden,
filled with all my favorite flowers,
filled with reminders of your love
that bloomed
one kiss at a time.
The autumnal hues plaster the sky
and it turns red like your blushed cheek
on pale skin, with a hint of gold in your eye,
but not nearly as special or unique.
Your lips always taste like vanilla
but dressed like a pink lady apple.
And you smell of nutmeg, of canela,
like a snickerdoodle-scented candle.
The leaves match the spotted dots on your skin
and you have that jack-o-lantern smile:
always wide with laughter to get lost in
and just enough mischief and guile.
Autumn is something I always look forward to
but it doesn't compare to the beauty of you.
I spoke to God tonight to ask Him about you:
I asked Him to give you a message from me
and I asked Him if you were thinking of me too.
I regret how far apart we grew
but I still wonder what we could be
so I spoke to God tonight to ask Him about you.
I wish you could see things from my point of view
and see how much I miss what we used to be
so I asked Him if you were thinking of me too.
This conversation with God was long overdue,
but it is just what I need,
so I spoke to God tonight to ask Him about you.
I look to the skies, both black and blue,
and think of you as I watch the waves of the sea
and I asked Him if you were thinking of me too.
This is not random or anything new:
I've stayed up many nights thinking about our story,
so I spoke to God tonight to ask Him about you
and I asked Him if you were thinking of me too.
You're handsome, but you're not a ten
(perhaps an eight at most).
you captivated me at our first meeting,
our first reunion,
for I recognized you instantly,
or rather, my soul recognized you.
On that day, our souls found one another again,
for the first time in eons —
they had spent far too many lifetimes apart,
too many years drifting through the galaxy,
and swimming in and out of the stars,
between the rings of Saturn,
bouncing off the moons of Jupiter ...
and I wondered:
Is this love at first sight?
But it didn't really matter,
for the gap between us had been bridged
so that we were now only a screen apart —
a few clicks
and a simple message away.
I don't really believe in love at first sight,
but that day made me believe in soulmates
and that mine is out there, two thousand miles away,
but only a screen apart.
I wanna have that first kiss feeling again:
feeling the butterflies, the fireworks,
as your eyes gaze into mine,
making their way down to my lips —
I wanna have that feeling of you staring at me
for just a few seconds too long,
because you're nervous
and you don't want to mess this up,
but in that moment, all I'm thinking is:
"Please just kiss me already ..."
I wanna have that first kiss feeling again
because it means something new
and exciting is about to happen
and after so many endings,
I wanna have that feeling
of a new beginning again.
He asks me how my day is going. He's the one. He smiles at me when I look at him. He's the one. He tells me I'm pretty, that my eyes are beautiful, soulful. He's the one. He calls me "babe" and "my girl." He's the one. He told me I'm special, that I am unlike any other girl he's met. He's the one. He texts me sometimes, almost every day. He's the one. He calls me every night at 2AM, telling me that he misses me and to come over, even though we still haven't had a real date. He's the one. He tells me that he doesn't want to rush into labeling our relationship. He's the one. He tells me that he doesn't want me to fuck other guys, but he wants permission to fuck other girls since we're technically not a couple. I tell him that I love him and that I want a serious relationship with him. He tells me that he never wanted anything serious. He also tells me: "well, what's being young without a little heartbreak?" I thought he was the one ...
I know that Augustus Waters told Hazel Grace
that it would be an honor
to have his heart broken by her
but I can't say the same when it comes to you —
I don't want to have my heart broken by you ...
having my heart broken
again, for the Nth time,
would be the straw that breaks the camel's back
you breaking my heart
would affirm that cynical part of me
that believes there is no such thing as true love
and if I give up on my belief in love,
then I lose myself.
The Nobel Prize for Reading
(A response to Nicanor Parra’s “El Premio Nobel”)
A nobel prize for reading, huh?
What an odd proposition
but one I am thoroughly intrigued by
so I am officially nominating myself for the Prize
because like you,
I read everything I can get my hands on:
I read the letters of my unused psychology degree sitting in the frame
I read tweets and Instagram captions religiously
I analyze text messages like philosophical scripture
I Google whatever random curiosity pops into my head
and I ALWAYS have captions on the TV
I’m quite the reader too you know
so may the best one win.
Thank you for reading. Here's to another year filled with poetry — cheers!